We will invite you to become a member by filling in a Membership Application and signing the GDPR form. Toastmasters meetings have no seasons/terms/cycles, every meeting follows the same format and you follow your own pace. Please note, as a club member you don’t have to be affiliated with the Hellenic American Union.
Once your payment has been completed, we would ask you to complete a Membership questionnaire. It helps us to understand who you are, and what are your goals.
The process will follow up with a scheduled individual chat with our Vice President of Education, who is going to explain all about the systems, pathways, and mentorship program.
Welcome, your journey has just started! As a member you will:
- Join a team of great speakers
- Learn how to give constructive feedback (evaluation)
- Practice your English
- Learn how to be “quick on your feet”
- Have fun
- Lose the fear of public speaking